Foundations of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

This half-day course is designed as a foundational DEI course for leaders to understand concepts of power, privilege and intersectionality, and how they impact the workplace. Upon completion of the course, you will develop a deeper understanding of implicit biases and their impacts in the workplace. This course will allow you to gain tools to mitigate the negative effects of unconscious biases in the workplace and to further understand how unconscious bias is part of larger DEI organizational work.

Activities include:

  • Decolonizing our bios
  • The wheel of power and privilege
  • Unpacking your invisible backpack
  • Macroaggressions: Themes and messages

Upcoming Workshops


When: TBD
Where: TBD
Cost: $175.00 + GST


Space is limited, so please register early to avoid disappointment.  Please note, should there be insufficient enrollment to meet minimum requirements for a session, the workshop will be cancelled and registration fees will be refunded. An email notification will be sent to registrants if the workshop is cancelled.

Register Now


If you have any questions concerning these learning opportunities, please contact Donna Verones by e-mail at or by phone at 604.730.4501.

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