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Essential Services

Essential Services No. 2011-15


The Labour Relations Board (LRB) issued a decision (B221/2011) last week providing, on an interim basis, that:

BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) members will continue to mark the identified Provincial exams as they have in the past, subject to administrators being utilized to the best extent possible. The parties should discuss how to implement this direction at the local level and ensure that marking is done in a timely manner to ensure a student’s progress is not impeded.

Essential Services No. 2011-152011-12-12T00:00:00-08:00

Essential Services No. 2011-14


In a decision (B221/2011) issued on December 2, 2011, the LRB ordered, on an interim basis, that:

  • BCTF members will continue their activities with respect to the Oral Component of the Français langue première 12 and Français langue seconde immersion 12 in the usual manner at the times currently scheduled or to be scheduled.

On December 6, 2011 BCTF filed an application with the LRB seeking several changes to the order.

The LRB has now issued a decision by letter (attached) that dismisses BCTF’s application with

Essential Services No. 2011-142011-12-07T00:00:00-08:00

Essential Services No. 2011-13


The BCTF has been directing teachers not to conduct the oral component of the provincial French language examinations that are or will be scheduled for students to take between December 5 and January 13.

The BCTF has also directed teachers not to mark the “essay” components of provincial exams that are marked locally (English 10, English 10 First Peoples, Francais Langue Premiere 10, Civics 11, Éducation civique 11, Social Studies 11, Sciences humaines 11, BC First Nations Studies 12, and Études des Premières Nations de la C.-B. 12 (“ the identified Provincial exams”).

In a decision (B221/2011 attached) issued today, December 2, 2011, the LRB has issued a ruling that provides, on an interim basis, that: 

  • BCTF members will continue their activities with respect to the Oral Component of the Français langue première 12 and Français langue seconde immersion 12 in the usual manner at the times currently scheduled or to be scheduled; and 
  • BCTF members will continue to mark the identified Provincial exams as they have in the past, subject to administrators being utilized to the best extent possible. The parties should discuss how to implement this direction at the local level and ensure that marking is done in a timely manner to ensure a student’s progress is not impeded.

Attachment: LRB Decision B221/2011

Essential Services No. 2011-132011-12-02T00:00:00-08:00

Essential Services No. 2011-12


In a decision (B214/2011 attached) issued late today, November 29, the Labour Relations Board (LRB) has declined to find in favour of the employers’ application seeking a variance to the Essential Services Order to:

  • require teachers to prepare and distribute report cards, and
  • require the BCTF, upon notice to BCPSEA, to reimburse each school district monthly in an amount equal to 15% of the total gross salaries and benefits costs paid to or on behalf of BCTF members by the school district for that month.

Attachment: LRB Decision B214-2011

Essential Services No. 2011-122011-11-29T00:00:00-08:00

Essential Services No. 2011-11


In a decision issued November 1, the Labour Relations Board (LRB) has confirmed that administrators and school districts continue to have the authority to approve or deny field trips (see BCLRB No. B193/2011). The approval of field trips by administrators and school districts should continue to be made on the basis of the legitimate considerations in the various school districts, school policies regarding field trips, as well as considerations that ensure managers and excluded staff are being used to the best extent possible.

Attachment: LRB Decision B193-2011

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Essential Services No. 2011-10


Frequently Asked Questions about BCPSEA’s application to the Labour Relations Board.

Essential Services No. 2011-102011-10-28T00:00:00-07:00

Essential Services No. 2011-09


LRB Application October 26, 2011

BCPSEA has today filed an application with the Labour Relations Board (LRB) to request that the LRB vary the Essential Services Order to:

  • require teachers to prepare and distribute report cards, and
  • require the BCTF, upon notice to BCPSEA, to reimburse each school district monthly in an amount equal to 15% of the total gross salaries and benefits costs paid to or on behalf of BCTF members by the school district for that month.
Essential Services No. 2011-092011-10-26T00:00:00-07:00

Essential Services No. 2011-08


Attachment: LRB Order October 5, 2011

BCPSEA filed an application last week with the Labour Relations Board (LRB) challenging the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) position that School-based Team (SBT) Meetings should occur during the teachers’ strike only on the basis that administrators’ attendance at such meetings is limited to those where a student to whom they provide direct service was under discussion. This update provides information about the LRB’s Order.

Essential Services No. 2011-082011-10-05T00:00:00-07:00

Essential Services No. 2011-07


This update provides information about 1701 form completion, student referral forms, IEP meetings and training regarding Epi-pen use during Phase 1. 

Essential Services No. 2011-072011-09-16T00:00:00-07:00
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