2019-07 00lisan2019-11-22T11:18:14-08:00 Red for BC Ed Campaign (#RedforBCed) 2019-0700lisan2019-11-22T11:18:14-08:00
For the Record No. 2019-06 BCPSEA Responses to BCTF and Local Teachers’ Association Statements 00lisan2019-11-14T12:48:35-08:00 For the Record No. 2019-06 BCPSEA Responses to BCTF and Local Teachers’ Association Statements00lisan2019-11-14T12:48:35-08:00
No. 2019-06 00lisan2019-10-15T15:04:53-07:00 Follow-up: BCTF Pamphlets and Messaging Attachment: Prevalence Model Post Card Attachment: It Takes a Teacher Attachment: Prevalence Model Brochure Special Education Funding Attachment: Protocol Distribution of Union Materials No. 2019-0600lisan2019-10-15T15:04:53-07:00
No. 2019-05 00lisan2019-10-15T15:20:17-07:00 TTOC Voluntary Extended Health Care and Dental Plans No. 2019-0500lisan2019-10-15T15:20:17-07:00
No. 2019-04 gssi2019-10-15T15:04:04-07:00 BCTF FSA Pamphlets and Messaging Attachment: Signed MoA between BCPSEA and BCTF re: Protocol Processes and Procedures Agreement Attachment: 2019 Parents Should Know – FSA Attachment: Request that your child be excused from the FSA No. 2019-04gssi2019-10-15T15:04:04-07:00
For the Record No. 2019-05 BCPSEA Responses to BCTF and Local Teachers’ Association Statements gssi2019-09-16T15:07:53-07:00 For the Record No. 2019-05 BCPSEA Responses to BCTF and Local Teachers’ Association Statementsgssi2019-09-16T15:07:53-07:00
For the Record No. 2019-04 BCPSEA Responses to BCTF and Local Teachers’ Association Statements gssi2019-09-16T15:07:44-07:00 For the Record No. 2019-04 BCPSEA Responses to BCTF and Local Teachers’ Association Statementsgssi2019-09-16T15:07:44-07:00