

Emergent bulletins are distributed to all school districts as issues arise. Some are more reference based for practitioners, others more time sensitive for both trustees and district staff.

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Essential Services No. 2011-08

Attachment: LRB Order October 5, 2011

BCPSEA filed an application last week with the Labour Relations Board (LRB) challenging the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) position that School-based Team (SBT) Meetings should occur during the teachers’ strike only on the basis that administrators’ attendance at such meetings is limited to those where a student to whom they provide direct service was under discussion. This update provides information about the LRB’s Order.

No. 2011-17

Arbitration award of Arbitrator Dorsey on the issue of the Superintendent Class Size Report to the Board

Attachment: Superintendent’s Class Organization Report

Teacher Bargaining Bulletin No. 15

Attachment: Arbitrator Jackson’s decision

Essential Services No. 2011-07

This update provides information about 1701 form completion, student referral forms, IEP meetings and training regarding Epi-pen use during Phase 1. 

No. 2011-03

Job Action Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees Accident Investigations First Aid Attendants

No. 2011-16

Bill 33 consultation during job action

Essential Services No. 2011-06

Attachment: BC Labour Relations Board Decision B161 2011

On September 2, 2011 the Labour Relations Board (LRB) issued a decision on whether teachers may withdraw services from the classroom. This issue provides information about this decision. 
No. 2011-15

Freedom of Expression: Teachers’ Distribution Letters to Parents during BCTF Strike Action

Teacher Bargaining Bulletin No. 14

Attachment: BCTF List of Locally Tabled Provincial Matters

No. 2011-05

BCPSEA – BCTF Collective Bargaining
Beginning the school year
Job action
Arbitrator’s decision on tabling proposals

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