

Emergent bulletins are distributed to all school districts as issues arise. Some are more reference based for practitioners, others more time sensitive for both trustees and district staff.

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No. 2017-08

Calculating Grade 3/4 Split Class Size Maximums

No. 2017-07

BCPSEA Board Approves Memorandum of Agreement Arising from Supreme Court of Canada Decision

Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) re: LOU No. 17: Education Fund and Impact of the Court Cases – Final Agreement

No. 2017-06

Parties Reach Tentative Agreement Arising from Supreme Court of Canada Decision

No. 2017-05

Freedom of Information Request (CUPE)

Attachment – CUPE FOI request

Conference Report – Annual General Meeting

Conference Report: Annual General Meeting

No. 2017-04

Economic Stability Dividend – May 1, 2017 – UPDATED

Attachment Allowance Calculation Templates May 2017

No. 2017-01

Compensation Update

No. 2017-03

Layoffs – Legislative Requirements


BCTF FSA Pamphlets & Messaging
Attachment FSA Protocol
Attachment 2017 Parents Should Know
Attachment Request child be excused from FSA

No. 2017-01

Parties Reach Priority Measures Memorandum of Agreement

Signed Memorandum of Agreement between BCPSEA, MoE, and BCTF

Ministry of Education (MoE) News Release – January 5, 2017

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