

Emergent bulletins are distributed to all school districts as issues arise. Some are more reference based for practitioners, others more time sensitive for both trustees and district staff.

Choose from the drop down list or enter another subject to search this section:

No. 2015-05

Economic Stability Dividend

No. 2015-04

BCTF FSA Pamphlets & Messaging

Attachment BCTF Pamphlet Withdraw your child from the FSA

Attachment BCTF Pamphlet Parents Should Know

No. 2015-03

Economic Stability Dividend

LOU – Economic Stability Dividend.pdf

No. 2015-05

Compensation Update

No. 6

LOU 16(c): Article C.4 TTOC Employment – TTOC Experience Credit Transfer within a District

No 6-Attachment LOU 16c

No 6-Attachment Forms A & B -November 2015

No. 2015-04

Update: The Sectoral Exempt Staff Compensation Review Project and the Minister’s Direction on the Management Compensation Freeze

No. 2015-01

• WorkSafeBC Updates
• WCAT Decisions
• Bill 9
• Proposed Changes to Stop Work Orders
• Asbestos Programs
• 2016 Assessment Consultation
• Free Resource for Wellness

No. 2015-03

Next Steps: The Sectoral Exempt Staff Compensation Review Project

No. 2015-02

Provincial Government Announces Amendment to Management Compensation Freeze

Attachment: PSEC Letter to Employers’ Association re BC Public Sector Compensation Review – Implementation.pdf

No. 2015-01

Reporting – Requirements – Compliance with Legislative Provisions

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