

Emergent bulletins are distributed to all school districts as issues arise. Some are more reference based for practitioners, others more time sensitive for both trustees and district staff.

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No. 2012-12

BCPSEA Applies to the Labour Relations Board for Relief from BCTF Strike Activity

Application Letter to the LRB
Application Attachments

No. 2012-11

Labour Relations Board Dismisses BCTF Application Alleging School District Violations of April 20 Order on Report Cards and Submission of Marks 

Attachment:  LRB Decision

No. 2012-10

Frequently Asked Questions: Labour Relations Board Order on BC Teachers’ Federation Illegal Strike Action — Report Cards and Submission of Marks 

Attachment:  Sample Abridged Report Card

No. 2012-09

Labour Relations Board Orders All Students Marks Must be Submitted and Report Cards Prepared 

Attachment:  LRB Order – Report Cards

No. 2012-07

More Support Staff Collective Agreements Ratified Under Provincial Framework Agreement

No. 2012-02

“Cooling-off” Period, Mediation, and…Return to Normal (?)

No. 2012-08

Repeal of Section 78.1(1) of the School Act Bill 22 – 2012, the Education Improvement Act, was proclaimed into law on  March 17, 2012. It includes the repeal of section 78.1 of the School Act effective April 14, 2012.

No. 2012-07

BCPSEA Files Report Card Application at Labour Relations Board Today

No. 2012-06

We are receiving reports from school districts regarding information they have been provided outlining the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) and some local teacher associations’ “plans for action” in their opposition to the Education Improvement Act (the Act).

Teacher Bargaining Bulletin No. 04

Government Appoints Mediator 


Ministry of Education News Release
Expanded biography Dr. Charles Jago

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