

Emergent bulletins are distributed to all school districts as issues arise. Some are more reference based for practitioners, others more time sensitive for both trustees and district staff.

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No. 2012-05

Bill 33 Consultation Requirements

No. 2012-06

BCPSEA Board Ratifies Nine More Support Staff Collective Agreements

No. 2012-01

OH&S Principles for Principals 

Bill 14 – Workers’ Compensation Amendment Act 2011

Day of Mourning- April 28

No. 2012-04

Most school districts will be returning from Spring Break on Monday and BCPSEA has received some inquiries about what to expect over the next few weeks. After any strike action a period of adjustment is necessary for the workplace to return to normal and we will be reporting to districts as matters arise.

Essential Services No. 2012-10

Education Improvement Act Receives Royal Assent: “Cooling Off” Period Takes Effect March 17.

No. 2012-05

Support Staff Collective Agreement Ratifications

No. 2012-04

More support staff collective agreement ratifications

Essential Services No. 2012-08

School districts will need to examine their own protocols and experiences to determine how they will operate during the teachers’ withdrawal of services.

Essential Services No. 2012-07

BCPSEA has been served strike notice by the BC Teachers’ Federation pursuant to the Labour Relations Board Order of February 28.

Teacher Bargaining Bulletin No. 03

The provincial government introduced Bill 22-2012, Education Improvement Act 

Ministry of Education news release

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