Job Evaluation Committee

The Provincial Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee is a joint union and employer committee created under the Provincial Framework Agreement. This committee is working on the Joint Job Evaluation Program (JJEP). Support staff are integral to student success. The purpose of the JJEP is to implement and maintain a standardized method of measuring and classifying support staff jobs in BC Public School Districts. The goal is equity among support staff jobs in BC K-12 public education. It is imperative that the jobs are classified and paid properly.

Updates on the progress of the JJEP are available through the following bulletins:

Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee members:

Kirsten Daub – CUPE K-12 Coordinator
Jane Massy – CUPE, Local 947
Paul Simpson – CUPE, Local 379 & President of K-12 Presidents’ Council
Warren Williams – CUPE 15
Tammy Sowinski – BCPSEA
Chris Beneteau – BCPSEA
Kyle Uno – School District 36
Alanna Cameron – School District 87

Tracey Mathieson– CUPE Staff Advisor
Jackie Bonsal – BCPSEA Staff Advisor
Joe Strain/Ingrid Van Kemanade – BCPSEA Advisor

Committee Support:
Karina Pinto – BCPSEA
Katarina DiSimo – CUPE