

Emergent bulletins are distributed to all school districts as issues arise. Some are more reference based for practitioners, others more time sensitive for both trustees and district staff.

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BCPSEA Application to LRB to Vary Order 74/14
No. 2014-03 revised May 16, 2014

BCPSEA Makes Significant Move at the Bargaining Table: Term of Agreement and Compensation Proposals, revised May 16, 2014

No. 2014-03 revised April 30, 2014

Compensation Proposals on the Table, revised April 30, 2014

No. 2014-03 revised April 23, 2014

Compensation Proposals on the Table, revised April 23, 2014

Essential Services No. 2014-03

Responses to frequently asked questions to clarify the “rules” governing the BCTF strike action.

Essential Services No. 2014-02

BCPSEA has received strike notice for all school districts from the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF).
Attachment to No 2014-02 BCTF Strike Notice

Essential Services No. 2014-01

We have now received the Essential Services Designation Order (ESDO) issued by the Labour Relations Board. 
Attachment to No 2014-01 LRB April 17 2014 ESDO

No. 2014-02

Essential Services Designations

No. 2014-04

Labour Relations Board Requests Essential Service Designations, April 10, 2014

No. 2014-03

Compensation Proposals on the Table, March 24, 2014

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