

Emergent bulletins are distributed to all school districts as issues arise. Some are more reference based for practitioners, others more time sensitive for both trustees and district staff.

Choose from the drop down list or enter another subject to search this section:

No. 2014-02

Two Proposals to Address Class Size and Teacher Workload: How Do They Differ? March 6, 2014

No. 2014-01

BCPSEA Responses to BCTF Statements, March 3, 2014


Conference Report – Annual General Meeting

No. 2014-01

Criminal Records Check – Important Update

No. 2013-06

Academic dual Credit Courses – Contracting Out 

No. 2013-05

BC Court of Appeal Rules No Discrimination in Supplementary Employment Benefits Case

No. 2013-03

WorkSafeBC Updates
Play it Safe

No. 2013-04

Bargaining Update: Framework Agreement Reached

No. 2013-03

Bargaining Update: Frequently Asked Questions

No. 2013-09

Update on Government Provincial Bargaining Initiative

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